Cat's Vegan Kitchen

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Cashew Gravy - Plant-based, Vegan, Gluten-free

Prep time 5 minutes | Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1/2 cup raw cashews

  • 2 tablespoons Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids or Soy Sauce (note soy sauce is not gluten free)

  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch

  • 2 teaspoons onion powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt

  • 2 cups hot water


1. Put all ingredients in a blender except for 1 cup of the hot water

2. Blend for about 30 -60 seconds or until completely smooth

3. Begin heating over medium/low heat

4. Add the second cup of water

5. Heat until thickened- about 5-10 minutes stirring only occasionally to keep from sticking/burning

Notes and Adjustments!

I always add extra nutritional yeast and sometimes skip the salt, because the Braggs adds enough salt- Enjoy!