Can a Plant-Based Diet Save Your Life?
Would you believe me if I told you the top causes of illness and death could be prevented by what you eat? Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular in recent years due to numerous health benefits including decreasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers.
In fact, the number one cause of death in America and worldwide, heart disease, can be decreased or even eliminated through eating a plant-based diet. When I first started eating a vegetarian diet, I remember learning about the groundbreaking study by Dr. Dean Ornish in which he tested the effects of a plant-based diet on people with heart disease. 90% of the participants who followed Dr. Ornish’s instructions had improvements in blood flow to the heart and their arteries opened up without the need for open heart surgery. You can read more about the pioneering doctors who have done research on plant-based diet and health from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
It is astounding to me how many people who struggle with heart disease still don’t know that though simple dietary changes they can improve their long-term health. Even so, there is so much more that a plant-based diet can help with, including diabetes, weight loss, gut health, and inflammation. Some recent studies have even shown that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additional studies even suggest that a plant-based diet can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing dementia.
I’m so excited to help you cook delicious food while creating a healthier and happier lifestyle. Sign up for my newsletter to learn more ways a plant-based diet can help you stay healthy.